Hovenier van der Heijden

Gardenier van der Heijden is a gardener based in Den Hoorn, the Netherlands. With 50+ employees and a platinum reputation in the Westland, the company needs a website for optimal information provision about their services, branches (target groups) and team. ‍
Datum van oplevering:

Over de klant


Gardenier van der Heijden is a gardener based in Den Hoorn, the Netherlands. With 50+ employees and a platinum reputation in the Westland, the company needs a website for optimal information provision about their services, branches (target groups) and team. ‍

Over het project

Van der Heijden is a gardening company in the Netherlands. We wanted to develop a new and dynamic website that would provide their services, including: Garden Maintenance, Landscaping, Garden Maintenance.

Gardener van der Heijden was actually crying out for help because the old website was becoming less used by the day. So we needed to quickly develop an easy-to-navigate website. The website should be easy to acquire customers and requesting quotes had to be easy. They also wanted the site to last — they wanted something that would stand the test of time and wouldn't need to be updated every few years.

Gardener's branches

The goal was also to create a website that would appeal to both their existing and potential customers. Gardener van der Heijden wanted the site to reflect their professionalism and quality of service, but also to show their knowledge in the gardening industry. For these reasons, different pages have been created for each target group - the existing customer, potential new customers and clients. Business, but also privately.

Website kenmerken

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