Corporate Website GranEnergia

GranEnergia asked us to design and develop a sustainable website. The look had to be sleek, modern and informative. Although mainly Brazilian oriented, the organization also has highly skilled exports on Dutch soil that know exactly what they want.
Datum van oplevering:
Rio de Janeiro
Sāo Paulo

Over de klant


GranEnergia asked us to design and develop a sustainable website. The look had to be sleek, modern and informative. Although mainly Brazilian oriented, the organization also has highly skilled exports on Dutch soil that know exactly what they want.

Over het project

The GranEnergia homepage


The goal of the project was to develop a professional and comprehensive website for GranEnergia Group, a leading offshore energy company headquartered in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The website was supposed to enhance the company's image, provide important information to potential customers and investors, and offer the opportunity to contact the company.

Target group:

The target group of the website included potential customers, investors and other stakeholders in the offshore industry. It focused in particular on professionals and companies interested in GranEnergia Group's services and expertise.


The concept for the GranEnergia Group website was based on the key words corporate, big-corp, offshore, sustainability, clear, structured, fast, efficient and customized. The website needed to have a professional look that reflected the company's image, while also being easy to navigate and informative. Sustainability was at the heart of the concept, as GranEnergia Group was known for its commitment to environmentally friendly offshore operations.


  1. Home page: A well-organized home page with a clear introduction to GranEnergia Group, including key information about the company and the services it offers.
  2. Company Profile: A section with detailed information about GranEnergia Group's history, vision, mission, and values. This section also highlighted the company's sustainability efforts.
  3. Services: An overview of the various services offered by GranEnergia Group, including offshore energy solutions, safety and maintenance services, and dynamic positioning expertise.
  4. Projects: A gallery of images and descriptions of GranEnergia Group's successful projects, focusing on the company's technological innovation and sustainable practices.
  5. News and events: A section with updates on recent GranEnergia Group developments, press releases, events and milestones.
  6. Careers: A page with information about career opportunities at GranEnergia Group, including vacancies and application procedures.
  7. Contact: A contact form and contact information that made it easy for visitors to contact the company for questions, requests, or collaboration opportunities.
  8. Sustainability: A page with a clear explanation of how the concern deals with today's sustainability requirements.
  9. Ethics: An overview of how the company deals with its ethical values and what guidelines the company uses.
A language picker helps to immediately serve the user the correct language of the website.

The company's values.


The result is a modern and user-friendly website that meets all GranEnergia needs. The website presents the company in a professional and comprehensive manner, with a focus on sustainability and ethics, which receive extra attention. The website is fast and easy to maintain. The design is custom-made and it shows: there is no website exactly like this one. That is what we are extremely proud of.

Website kenmerken

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